Hyderabad:Kolkata Knight Riders star player Rinku Singh with his extraordinary five successive sixes has become the nation's current favourite. From Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan, who owns the cricket team, to sports fanatic and fellow actor Ranveer Singh, everybody was swept away by Rinku's marvellous performance, making KKR win against all odds. To express his delightment, SRK took to Twitter and shared a modified poster of Pathaan with Rinku's face on it. As the tweet has now gone viral, the new Pathaan Rinku has responded to the tweet.
Taking to Twitter, the cricketer wrote: 'Shah Rukh sir yaaar (red heart emoticon). Love you sir & thank you for your constant support (folded hand emoticon). This comes after Shah Rukh Khan, actor and owner of the cricket team Kolkata Knight Riders, praised cricketer Rinku Singh on Sunday for hitting a stunning five consecutive sixes in the final over of KKR's thrilling IPL 2023 match against GT at Ahmedabad's Narendra Modi Stadium.