Hyderabad: The highly anticipated King of Kotha, starring Dulquer Salmaan, opened in theatres on Thursday. The Malayalam movie, which has been dubbed in Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada, reportedly made almost Rs 2 crore nett on Sunday across all languages, as per industry tracker Sacnilk. Besides Dulquer, who is also backing the movie as a producer, King of Kotha stars Shabeer Kallarakkal, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Prasanna, and Gokul Suresh among others.
The movie made Rs 13.5 crore in its first weekend. King of Kotha gathered Rs 6.85 crore nett on Thursday of which its Malayalam version minted Rs 5.6 crore, while the Telugu and Tamil versions earned Rs 85 lakh and Rs 40 lakh respectively. The movie gathered Rs 2.6 crore nett on Friday in all languages. On Saturday, the movie brought in Rs 2.05 crore and an estimated Rs 2 crore nett on Sunday.