Hyderabad: The trend of bespoke kaliras is on a rise. After Katrina Kaif, Alia Bhatt and Athiya Shetty, now Kiara Advani adorned her wrists with custom-made kaliras on her big day. Kiara got her love story with Sidharth embedded on her kalira. Amidst stars, moon, couple initials, and butterflies, the piece of jewellery also featured a thoughtful tribute to Sid's late pet, Oscar.
Kiara's kaliaras were designed by Mrinalini Chandra, who is as NIFT Delhi alumn, and studied jewellery design in Milan, Italy. Chandra, who is a go-to person for celebrity brides crafted a beautiful design for Kiara which is all things romantic and thoughtful.
The kaliras donned by Kaira also featured her and Sid's favourite travel destination which is Rome. Featuring little love and mischief, Kiara's kaliras were all heart as it also included Sidharth's late pet, Oscar. The 11 plus old four-legged friend of Sidharth passed away in February 2022. Kiara also added dual-tone choodas to her bridal look with her intricately designed kaliras.
Decoding Kiara's kalira design, Mrinalini took to social media and wrote, "Our signature love story kaliras for the beautiful @kiaraaliaadvani was all sorts of magical !Amidst stars, moon , couple initials & butterflies, there is a thoughtful dedication to a beloved pet, a favourite travel destination, a little love & mischief.