Mumbai: Actor R. Madhavan's heart swelled with pride to see his son Vedaant win five gold medals and two silver medals at the Khelo India Youth Games 2023 Madhya Pradesh. Taking to Twitter, Madhavan shared the good news with his fans and followers and a penned a heartwarming note.
Madhavan took to Twitter to share pictures of his son, who is a national-level swimmer, posing with his medals. "VERY grateful & humbled by the performances of @fernandes_apeksha (6 golds,1 silver,PB $ records)& @VedaantMadhavan (5golds &2 silver). Thank you @ansadxb & Pradeep sir for the unwavering efforts & @ChouhanShivraj & @ianuragthakur for the brilliant #KheloIndiaInMP. So proud." In the follow-up tweet, he added, "With gods grace -Gold in 100m, 200m and 1500m and silver in 400m and 800m."
Vedaant won gold for swimming in 100m, 200m and 1500m and silver in 400m and 800m. Alongside the note, the proud father dropped pictures of his son with medals. After knowing about the glorious achievement, netizens including members of the film industry showered the teenager with congratulatory wishes.