Mumbai: A day after the Trinamool Congress government in West Bengal banned the film The Kerala Story, filmmaker Sudipto Sen said the decision was "politically motivated" and urged Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to watch the film and then take any decision. Sudipto Sen told ANI that it is "very unfortunate that Mamata Banerjee without watching the film has banned it".
"Not a single untoward incident has happened in the state because of the film. The decision to ban the film is politically motivated. I request her to watch the film and then take any decision," Sudipto Sen said. He said the film was doing very well in West Bengal for last four days and "it was houseful there".
"After the ban decision by Mamata Didi the screening in the movie hall was stopped by some guys mid-way. I am not a politician, I am a filmmaker. I can only make a film, you want to see it or not that you guys will decide. There was no problem when the film was released in Kolkata for four days, suddenly Didi felt that there could be law and order issues," he said.
"Mahua Moitra, Mamata Banerjee, they are the champion of free speech, human rights, when the Padmaavat movie was banned, Mamata Banerjee was the first political leader who came in support of the movie. But don't know what is the problem with my film that she thought that there is a law and order problem," he added.
Mamata Banerjee had said that The Kerala Story is being banned in the state to "avoid any incident of hatred and violence, and maintain peace in the state". "I requested her to watch the film first and not to decide on people's opinions. You will like the film, you will be proud that the Bengali director made this responsible film," Sen said. He also said that till the film was not released, "there was a lot of controversy, debate was going on".