Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood actor Katrina Kaif, who got married to Vicky Kaushal last December, recently sparked pregnancy rumours after being spotted at the Mumbai airport. Several videos of the Bang Bang actor recently surfaced online in which she was seen donning a loose sweatshirt and track pants.
Blame it on the bad camera angle, Katrina's get up or her walking style, netizens started to speculate on social media if the actor was pregnant. One user wrote, "Mommy to be soon! Can't wait to see Katrina's child," another shared, "She looks pregnant! Oh my god!". A third person wrote, "Pregnant I think."
Meanwhile, on Monday, Katrina shared a video of tricolor at her Mumbai home. Sharing the video, which was originally shared by her husband Vicky, the Bharat actor wrote, "Happy 75th Year of Independence 🇮🇳."