Hyderabad: Bollywood diva Katrina Kaif is known for daring stunts in movies as much as she is celebrated for her impeccable dancing chops. In the past, the actor survived many on-set injuries while filming for challenging action sequences. However, it was a harrowing near-death experience during a chopper ride that shook her deeply. During the ride, Katrina faced a terrifying ordeal when the chopper encountered severe turbulence and abruptly started descending. In that nerve-wracking moment, she felt certain that it was the end of her life.
In a throwback video that recently surfaced and gained traction on Reddit, Katrina revealed the terrifying moment when turbulence caused the chopper to plunge, leaving her feeling certain of her impending demise. Despite a few minor injuries on set, this particular incident deeply shook her.
During a promotional event for her beauty line, Katrina was asked about facing near-death situations. Recollecting the incident, she shared the intense moment in the chopper, expressing her thoughts of it being the end of her life. Her primary concern in that frightening moment was for her mother's well-being. When questioned about her ideal obituary, Katrina expressed a determined sentiment, stating it should read, "She did. Some people say she tried. No. Can’t try. You gotta do."