New Delhi: Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan, on Sunday shared a fun video with Chote Rooh Baba on social media. Taking to Instagram, Kartik shared a video, which he captioned, "Chote Rooh Baba Their unconditional love and affection is my biggest wealth Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2."
In the video, the Dhamaka actor could be seen standing beside a young kid dressed as Kartik's character Rooh baba from his recently released film Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, and singing the film's popular track Ami Je Tomar. Soon after the Luka Chupp actor shared the video fans swamped the comment section with red heart and fire emoticons.
"BABA ROOH BABA ROOH BABA" a fan commented. Another fan wrote, "#love forever for kartik." Meanwhile, Kartik is currently flying high on the success of his recently released film Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, which collected over Rs 200 crores at the box office post covid. Helmed by Anees Bazmee, the film also stars Tabu and Kiara Advani in the lead roles.