Mumbai: Actor Kartik Aaryan, on Friday, expressed gratitude as fans gave positive responses to the trailer of his upcoming film Shehzada. Kartik shared a picture from Shehzada trailer launch event to thank the fans for showering immense and unconditional love. Taking to Instagram, Kartik shared a picture and wrote, "Thank you for the spectacular response to Shehzada." In the picture, Kartik could be seen standing in front of the Shehzada poster facing his fans.
Makers of the upcoming masala entertainer film unveiled the official trailer on Thursday. The 3-minute trailer showcases the Luka Chuppi actor in a never seen avatar. Action-packed scenes, quirky dialogues and power-packed performances from the complete star cast of the film increases the excitement level among the fans.
Helmed by Rohit Dhawan the film stars Kartik Aaryan and Kriti Sanon, Manisha Koirala, Paresh Rawal, Ronit Roy, and Sachin Khedekar in the lead roles and is all set to hit the theatres on February 10, 2023. Shehzada also marks the debut of Kartik as a producer.