Hyderabad:AR Rahman has been receiving backlash on social media following his concert in Chennai on Sunday night. His remark addressing the scandal was also met with criticism. Amid the trolling, his daughters have come out in his defence along with actor Karthi and music composer Yuvan Shankar Raja.
AR Rahman is being mocked and chastised for mishandling his event, which resulted in a stampede-like situation in Chennai. While there have been many allegations levelled at Rahman for the 'poorly-organized' Marakkuma Nenjam event, Yuvan Shankar Raja and Karthi and his daughters have come out in support of the composer.
Rahman's daughters Khatija and Raheema wrote a post on Monday about how their father has previously done a lot for his fans and the general public. The statement referred to the criticism as 'cheap politics' and blamed the 'organisers side' for the 'unfortunate events' at the concert. The post also mentioned how Rahman has previously performed concerts for flood victims in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022, as well as supported Covid-affected families and others. The post also encouraged detractors to 'consider' before speaking.