Hyderabad: Actor Karthi made time to meet and speak with his devoted followers who travelled all the way from Japan to Chennai to see Ponniyin Selvan 2. Karthi's fans Terumi Kakubari Fujieda and Isao Endo travelled all the way from Japan to see him in Mani Ratnam's movie since they have been following him for a very long time. However, the kind-hearted actor greeted them and invited them to his place.
Karthi took the time to meet and talk to them after learning about their visit. Social media is awash with images of the actor and his international followers. Terumi claimed in an interview that she had only travelled to Chennai for three days to watch Ponniyin Selvan 2. On Monday evening, she took a flight back to Japan. She added that, prior to the pandemic, she spent two years living in India.
Trade analyst Ramesh Bala uploaded a series of pictures on Twitter with the caption: "#PonniyinSelvan | Following #Rajini, it's time for #Karthi!! To watch #PonniyinSelvan2 with a Tamil audience, Karthi enthusiasts from Japan travelled to Chennai. They apparently watched the movie four times, and they also met Karthi at his house in Chennai.