Hyderabad: Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor Khan shared a glimpse of her Easter Sunday celebration. The actor shared a motley of pictures on social media featuring her sons Taimur and Jeh Ali Khan and her husband Saif Ali Khan. Taimur and Jeh were also joined by their cousin Inaaya Naumi Kemmu for the Easter celebration at their residence in Mumbai.
Kareena took to Instagram to share pictures from her Easter celebrations with family. The Khans seemingly hosted Kareena's sister Karisma Kapoor and Saif's sister Soha Ali Khan and her husband Kunal Kemmu for Easter Sunday celebrations.
"My Easter Bunnies❤️Happy Easter Lovely People❤️Keep the treasure hunt on…always …@therealkarismakapoor @sakpataudi @kunalkemmu," wrote the actor sharing pictures on Instagram. In the pictures, Taimur, Jeh Innaya, and Saif are seen donning bunny headgear.