Hyderabad:Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan who just returned from a family vacation in Africa took to her Instagram Stories to upload a series of black and white pictures featuring her favourite women, Malaika Arora and Amrita Arora. The three of them were joined by celebrity makeup artist Mallika Bhat in one of the pictures. With Karishma missing in the frame, Bebo gave a shout to her saying 'Missing our Lolo.'
Bollywood actors Kareena Kapoor Khan and her elder sister Karishma Kapoor share a close bond with Malaika Arora and her younger sister Amrita Arora. The four are often seen partying together. Sharing a bunch of selfies online, Kareena in the first picture with Malaika, Amrita and Mallika wrote: Our forever. Missing our Lolo (with a heart emoji). In the pictures, Kareena is seen wearing an oversized shirt with her hair open. It seems like a casual night out as Malaika and Amrita are also seen without makeup in casual clothes.