Hyderabad (Telangana): As Bollywood actor, Saif Ali Khan celebrates his 52nd birthday on Tuesday, his wife Kareena Kapoor shared a heartfelt birthday post to wish her husband. The Heroine actor posted a set of two pictures on Instagram wherein Saif is seen at his goofy best. Along with the pictures, the Jab We Met star wishes the "jaan" of her life on his 52nd birthday.
Sharing a birthday post for Saif, his gorgeous wife wrote, "Happy Birthday to the Best Man in the world ♥️You make this Crazy ride Crazier and god I wouldn’t want it any other way..These pictures are proof 🤣🤣♥️." Kareena, who is the queen of pout, also admitted that her husband's pout game is better than hers. "I Love you my Jaan and I have to say your Pout is way better than mine …♥️♥️ What say guys? #Birthday Boy#My Saifu ♥️," she concluded.