Hyderabad:Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor Khan, who recently traveled to Monaco for the F1 Grand Prix, was clicked by the paparazzi on Monday night at the Mumbai airport. The actor, as always, made an impressive fashion statement with her all-white ensemble and showed that practicality and elegance can coexist. For her travel back to India, Bebo opted for a similar set of white joggers and a white oversized sweatshirt from Puma.
In a video posted by a paparazzo account on Instagram, Kareena could be seen clad in white. She styled the ensemble with a pair of matching sneakers with black stripes and a pair of black sunglasses. She could be seen carrying a nude handbag with a striking red patterned scarf. Kareena opted for a no-makeup look and tied her hair in a high bun.
Reacting to her airport look, a social media user commented, "Fire bebo." Another user commented, "Boombastic." One more user commented, "I love you. Your dressing sense is very nice." While other users showered her with red heart and fire emojis. Meanwhile, Kareena Kapoor Khan will shortly make her digital debut in the forthcoming Sujoy Ghosh directorial. The project, which also stars Vijay Verma and Jaideep Ahlawat in significant roles, is an official adaptation of The Devotion of Suspect X and is about to make a grand release on Netflix soon.
Also read:The Crew: Kareena Kapoor Khan shares picture with her 'crew' from second day of shoot
Kareena is also set to make her debut as a producer soon, with the forthcoming project directed by well-known filmmaker Hansal Mehta. She is reportedly portraying a private investigator in the movie, which is a crime drama. The actor is also portraying the lead role in the forthcoming movie The Crew, along with Tabu, Kriti Sanon, and Diljit Dosanjh.