Mumbai: Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor Khan, on Sunday, sent warm wishes to her hubby Saif Ali Khan, on the occasion of her 10th wedding anniversary. Taking to Instagram, Kareena shared a couple of throwback pictures which she captioned, "Me and you, you and me to eternity we go... Happy10 Handsome Man."
In the pictures, Bebo and Saif could be seen sharing a comfortable moment together. Soon after the Heroine actor shared these pictures, fans and many b-town celebs flooded the comment section with red heart emoticons and wishes for the couple. "Couple goals forever," actor Karisma Kapoor commented. Malaika Arora wrote, "Happy anniversary my loves."
Kareena and Saif have worked together in LOC Kargil (2003) and Omkara (2006), but it was on the sets of the 2008 film Tashan that they fell in love with each other. And on October 16, 2012, the two tied the knot. In 2016, the two became parents to son Taimur and in February 2021 they welcomed Jeh. Saif was married to Amrita Singh before Kareena and they have two children together, Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan.
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Meanwhile, on the work front, Kareena will be next seen in director Sujoy Ghosh's next thriller film which is based on the book The Devotion Of Suspect X. It also stars Vijay Varma and Jaideep Ahlawat. Apart from that, she also has director Hansal Mehta's next untitled film. Saif, on the other hand, was recently seen in the action thriller film Vikram Vedha alongside Hrithik Roshan. He will be next seen in a Pan India film Adipurush alongside Prabhas and Kriti Sanon.