Hyderabad: Film director Karan Johar, after the success of his latest release Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahanii, is all set for the new season of his widely popular talk show, Koffee with Karan. With a lineup of exciting films in his production and directorial ventures, Karan is making a significant impact in the Bollywood industry. In a recent interaction with a newswire, the topic of working with young actor Kartik Aaryan came up, with whom Karan was supposed to team up in Dostana 2.
During the interaction, Karan Johar addressed the question about collaborating with Kartik Aaryan. The filmmaker mentioned that they had plans to work together on a film, but due to various reasons, the plans did not work out. Karan, however, stated that he's confident that the future holds something incredible for both of them.
When questioned about the possibility of Dostana 2, Karan said that he's not sure but he will certainly create something remarkable, a film that will define both of them. He expressed his hope for future collaboration, stating, "I just hope we can collaborate very soon and on a film that we're both equally excited about."