Mumbai (Maharashtra): Karan Johar, who wears multiple hats and is one of the most revered film personalities of India, has returned with the seventh season of his popular chat show Koffee With Karan. The show this time around cranks the entertainment quotient up a notch with celebrities spilling beans on the coveted couch, not to forget the sensational rapid-fire that has over the years added spice to India's simmering pop culture.
As the show continues to garner love and attention from the audience in equal measure, the Dharma productions head-honcho sitting on the other side of the couch, said that he made changes to a number of episodes just before going on air.
The couch has been a witness to some of the most controversial statements of all time made by celebs in flow of the conversation. Something that someone might have said in jest may not have sat well with the person to whom the comment was directed at. When asked by a newswire, if he has ever stepped in to save the day? Karan's answer was a sharp "Yes".
"Many times, it has happened that I had to step in two douse the fire after rapid fire. I remember when Sonam and Deepika came to the show and spoke whatever they had to, Chintu ji (Rishi Kapoor) was very upset. I had to step in to make things alright. I have shows banned and taken off air, which I felt terrible for," Karan shares.
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Not just that, the show host has actually sat on the edit table and removed bits that would have unleashed a Tsunami of sorts. He lets out a secret, "I have had times where I have actually edited comments made on the show by celebs before the telecast because I felt that it would land up in trouble. Many times actors have called me directly requesting to cut something that they have said as a slip of tongue. I have done this because for me relationships come before everything."
The show has seen many iconic moments unfold in front of the camera but, for Karan the most favourite episode remains, "where the Kapoors - Rishi Kapoor, Randhir Kapoor, Rajiv Kapoor and Neetuji graced the show". The filmmaker describes it as an emotional moment both as a show host and as a family friend to Kapoor khandaan.