Hyderabad:Filmmaker Karan Johar recently mentioned that his close friend, superstar Shah Rukh Khan, won't be making an appearance in the ongoing season of the famous celebrity talk show, Koffee with Karan. Shah Rukh used to be a regular on the show but has been absent in recent seasons. Expressing understanding and respect for Shah Rukh's decision, Johar said that he'll approach the superstar when the timing aligns better.
Speaking at an event related to Koffee With Karan, Johar highlighted the strong bond they share, noting that he refrained from asking Shah Rukh to be on the show, aware that the superstar might find it challenging to refuse. "I can ask him and request him and he has never said no to me. So, I never asked because I know he didn't want to be in that situation of dilemma, where he has to say no to me. I pick and choose what I ask for," he said.
Johar, who has collaborated on several films with SRK, acknowledged the megastar's wisdom in choosing when to speak and shared his anticipation for inviting him on the show at the right moment. "I just know if there is any megastar who has earned his right to speak when he needs to, it is Shah Rukh Khan. I, of all the people, have been his closest friend and family and should understand that. I have that leverage because he is family to me," Karan said at the event.
This season of Koffee with Karan has seen guests like Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Sunny Deol, Bobby Deol, Sara Ali Khan, Ananya Panday, Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor, Siddharth Malhotra, Varun Dhawan, Rani Mukerji, and Kajol. Johar expressed patience in waiting for the opportune time to have Shah Rukh Khan as a guest.