Hyderabad: Krushna Abhishek, a comedian who had previously left The Kapil Sharma Show (TKSS) for this season, has announced that he will return to the show. Recently, in an interview, Krushna stated that his choice was made as a result of "a change of contract". In addition, he stated that all problems, including money, have been solved. Krushna, who portrayed the role of Sapna, left TKSS last year due to agreement issues.
Krushna has also spoken about how the show's host, Kapil Sharma, gave him a warm welcome on the first day of the rehearsal. He said that Kiku Sharda gave him a hug as soon as he saw him. Krushna further said that he spoke with Archana Puran Singh on the phone. He said that Kapil was extremely happy and greeted him warmly. He also said that Kapil has offered him jokes in order to have Krushna do his best performance since "Sapna is back".