Mumbai: Filmmaker-actor Rishab Shetty's latest release 'Kantara' collected Rs 170 crore in India and Rs 18 crore overseas, for a worldwide gross of Rs 188 crore, becoming the second highest-grossing Kannada film of all time beating Yash-starrer 'KGF'. Due to the Diwali weekend, the film got a boost at the collections.
'Kantara' beats 'KGF' to become second biggest Kannada film
Filmmaker-actor Rishab Shetty's latest release 'Kantara' collected Rs 170 crore in India and Rs 18 crore overseas, for a worldwide gross of Rs 188 crore, becoming the second highest-grossing Kannada film of all time beating Yash-starrer 'KGF'.
'Kantara' beats 'KGF' to become second biggest Kannada film
The total box office collections of the film have reached Rs 170 crore. It will be crossing the Rs 200 crore mark before the end of the fourth week, according to 'Kantara' has raked in Rs 111 crore approximately so far in Karnataka, with Rs 14 crore fourth weekend, which is double of the full fourth week of 'KGF 2'. (IANS)