Hyderabad: On March 17, the late actor will mark his 48th birth anniversary. Puneeth, affectionately referred to as Appu by his well-wishers and devoted followers, passed away in 2021 after having a severe heart attack while working out at a gym. Puneeth Rajkumar, an Indian actor, playback vocalist, producer, television host, and philanthropist, worked mostly in Kannada films. He was the youngest son of actor and matinee idol Dr Rajkumar and was raised in a filmy family.
He was among the most well-liked actors in the Kannada film industry. Having worked in more than 32 films as the protagonist, the actor won various honours, including five SIIMA Awards, six Filmfare Awards South, four Karnataka State Film Awards, and one National Film Award. On November 1, 2022, Puneeth received the state's highest civilian honour, the Karnataka Ratna, posthumously.
Here's taking a look back at the Kannada superstar's work to understand how he became the Power Star.
Appu: It is a romantic action comedy movie from 2002 that was made in Kannada by Puri Jagannadh. Rakshita and Puneeth Rajkumar were cast in the lead. Parvathamma, Puneeth's mother, and Rajkumar's family production company, Poornima Enterprises, produced the movie. Rakshita and Puneeth made their acting debut with this movie.