Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut has responded to a Twitter user who criticized a girl for entering the Baijnath Temple in Himachal Pradesh's Kangra wearing short Western clothes. She agreed with the tweet and slammed the girl for wearing 'night dresses like they are casuals' while calling her a 'clown'. She opened up about her own incident of being denied from entering Vatican City in shorts while responding to the tweet.
Taking to Twitter, a user posted photos of two girls standing on the Baijnath Temple's premises. One girl is seen wearing a crop top and shorts, and another is seen wearing jeans and a shawl wrapped around her. Sharing the photos, the user wrote in the caption, "This is the scene of Baijnath, the famous Shiva temple of Himachal. They have reached Baijnath temple as if they have gone to a pub or nightclub. Such people should not be allowed to enter the temple. I strongly oppose it. Seeing all this, if my thinking is called small or bad, then it is also acceptable!"