Mumbai: Actor Kangana Ranaut has heaped praise on filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali and called him a 'living god and legend’. Kangana took to Instagram, where she posted a note talking about how she could not take up roles and a number offered by the filmmaker.
The actor wrote: "I deeply admire Sanjay Leela Bhansali as an artist, he never fakes success or glory... He is the most genuine and indulgent artist living in the film industry right now... Nobody that I know who is so helplessly in love with the magic of cinema and so driven by his passion... Above all he minds his business, intense creativity and rare integrity... He is a living legend ... I just love Sanjay sir... love.”
Calling him a ‘god’, she added, "Over the years there were song/ roles that were offered to me by SLB production, for some or the other reason I couldn't do them, still today if I want to see him or go to his house just to chat with him, he sits before me like a living God smiling gently, showering kindness and admiration through his eyes, man of few words SLB ji is simply wonderful.”