Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut recently met Israel's ambassador Naor Gilon in Delhi, and talked about the ongoing crisis between Israel and Hamas. Kangana extended her support for Israel during their conversation and shared a glimpse of it on her social media handle highlighting her forthcoming movie Tejas. In her social media posts, she referred to Hamas as the modern-day 'Ravan'.
To shed light on her meeting, Kangana took to her X handle to share the clip and wrote, "My heart goes out to Israel. Our hearts are bleeding too. Here's my conversation with Israel's ambassador to Bharat Naor Gilon. @IsraelinIndia."
During their discussion, she emphasised her support for Israel and Jews, which she had expressed long before the terrorist massacres began. Being a Hindu nation, she drew a parallel between the Hindu genocides that have persisted for centuries and the struggles faced by Jews. Kangana firmly believes that, just as Hindus deserve a dedicated Bharat, Jews also deserve their own nation.