Hyderabad:Kangana Ranaut shared a video of the Himalayas on Tuesday, showing Mount Everest's base camp littered with trash. The actor claimed that humans who thought they were God's favourites needed a reality check because the footage showed them leaving 'their nasty, stinky, dirty footsteps everywhere' and disrespecting nature. Twitter users also agreed with Kangana on this regard.
Taking to Twitter, the actor shared a short video of the Mount Everest base camp, which had a lot of trash outside the tents. "Shut down the Everest tours or fix this," the video stated. "Unacceptable situation near the top. Whoever thinks human is God's favourite needs a reality check, look at this scene and you would realise human is probably God's least favourite, they tend to leave their smelly, stinky, filthy footprints everywhere," Kangana wrote, sharing the video. "Please save the world from humanity...," she added.
Twitter people agreed with the actor and praised her for bringing this to her attention. On the work front, the actor was last seen in the spy action flick Dhaakad in 2022. It failed to leave a mark at the box office.