Hyderabad: Kangana Ranaut on Saturday took to social media to extend support to Nawazuddin Siddiqui after his wife Aaliya Siddiqui levelled shocking allegations against him on social media. Defending Nawazuddin in the matter, Kangana said the actor even fears going home after his wife put out videos of him on social media.
Taking to Instagram Stories, Kangana shared the video post that Aaliya earlier dropped on her Instagram handle. After sharing the video, Kangana posted two stories wherein she spoke in Nawazuddin's support. Kangana wrote in Hindi: "Nawaz sir is being humiliated like this outside his home...he gave his everything to his family, he stayed at a rented place for several years..he used to take a rickshaw to TWS (Tiku Weds Sheru) shoot. Only last year he bought this bungalow and now his ex-wife came to claim it."
Kangana further wrote, "Whatever Nawaz sir earned till date, he gave to his brothers, ex-wife who he divorced many years ago, they were Co parenting kids she was living in Dubai with children, he even bought her a flat in Mumbai... and he bought a bungalow for his mother, he took many house designing tips from me, we were so excited, we did house warming party in this house together."
The actor further said that she never met Nawaz's ex-wife who has "suddenly taken over the bungalow and not allowing him to enter,." Referring to the video shared by Aaliya, Kangana said, "I just saw he is standing on the road and she is making videos of such a big star, kya badmashi hai yeh (what wickedness is this), I feel like crying... it's not easy to make money from acting jobs, actors work very hard, how can she just decide to keep the house and lock him outside like that."