Mumbai: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, who does not shy away from speaking her mind, on Tuesday made an allegation against filmmaker Karan Johar, saying that he "banned" global star Priyanka Chopra Jonas because of her friendship with superstar Shah Rukh Khan. Priyanka in a recent interview shared that she had decided to take a break from the Hindi film industry after she was being "pushed into a corner" and got "tired of politics".
Kangana took to Twitter, where she shared an article which had the title: "Priyanka Chopra says she moved to the US because had 'beef' with people in Bollywood: "Was being pushed into a corner, was tired of the politics". Captioning the article, Kangana tweeted: "This is what @priyankachopra has to say about bollywood, people ganged up on her, bullied her and chased her out of film industry" a self made woman was made to leave India. Everyone knows Karan Johar had banned her."