Hyderabad: The Mahadev online betting scam is now being looked into by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). Numerous celebrities, including Ranbir Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor and Sonakshi Sinha, are being investigated for their possible involvement in promoting the betting platform or appearing at events hosted by those affiliated with the app. Kangana Ranaut has now spoken out about how the promoters of the Mahadev app approached her about a lucrative endorsement deal. She also issued a warning to the actors involved and explained why she consistently declined requests to associate with the Mahadev app.
"This endorsement came to me almost six times over the course of one year, every time they added several crores to the offer to buy me, but I said no each time," Kangana Ranaut wrote on Instagram Stories on Saturday, sharing a screenshot of a news article about the celebrities under the ED's scrutiny as a result of the Mahadev app scam. "Look, integrity is not just for your conscience anymore. Yeh naya Bharat hai, sudhar jao nahi toh sudhar diye jaoge (This is the new Bharat, make improvements or you'll be compelled to).
Actor Ranbir Kapoor was summoned earlier this month by the ED to appear at the Jaipur office of the agency in connection with the Mahadev online betting app investigation. The actor was issued summons in connection with the Mahadev betting app case, according to the attorney for the ED, who said on Friday that the actor had asked for one week to appear before the ED. Ranbir allegedly engaged in advertising for the the said app.