Hyderabad: On Saturday, Kangana Ranaut took to social media to lash out at Karan Johar over his latest directorial venture Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. Kangana dubbed Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt starrer "daily soap" and asked Karan to make way for young filmmakers who can churn out "revolutionary films." The actor also shared a piece of advice for Ranveer in her latest social media post.
Karan Johar directed Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani hit the big screens on July 28. The film opened with Rs 11.50 crore nett in India but has to grow stronger over the weekend. While buzz in the trade is positive around RRKPK, Kangana is seemingly not impressed with Karan's directorial prowess.
Ranaut who shares a long history o animosity with Karan, launched a fresh attack on the filmmaker via social media. Taking to Instagram Stories, Kangana slammed KJo's film which she said is made on a budget of Rs 250 crore but is nothing more than a television drama. The actor also asked Karan to step down from the director's chair and make way for young filmmakers to make coming-of-age films.