Hyderabad: Singer Kailash Kher on Thursday mesmerized the crowd at the inauguration of Khelo India University Games at the BBD University in Lucknow. At the Khelo India - Har Dil Mein Desh event, Kailash sang the official anthem of the event and had Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the chief guest. The singer, at one point, seemed upset with the organizers for the mismanagement at the site and gave them quite an earful. Videos from the event showed Kailash on stage yelling at the organizers. The singer was upset about being interrupted during his performance over the time limit.
When photographers captured pictures of the event in front of Kailash, he said (pointing his message, especially to the organizers), "Learn some manners. You made me wait for an hour, and now have no manners. What is Khelo India, exactly? The significance of the occasion is that only those who are happy at home will be happy abroad. Learn some etiquette. You're acting smart, yet you have no idea how your job should be done. If I start talking about it...just leave it.)"