Hyderabad: Trailer of Vikramaditya Motwane helmed fictional period drama Jubilee was released on Friday. The upcoming series is set in a newly independent India and revolves around stories and dreams that gave birth to the Hindi film industry. The Jubilee trailer hints at an authentic period drama made on a grad scale and amped up with powerful performances.
Vikramaditya's series is set parallel to the evolution of both India and the movies. Though it is a period drama, Jubilee is a very human story with narrative themes such as love, betrayal, struggle, revenge, and ambition at its core. The story follows the trials and tribulations of the lead characters as they set out on their journey to make it big in the film industry. Set in that celebrated era of Hindi cinema, Jubilee will seemingly resonate with everyone.
As seen in the trailer, Jubilee is replete with love, jealousy, treachery and all-consuming ambition. Jubilee trailer also comes with glimpses of soulful music composed by Amit Trivedi. The upcoming series is bound to transport audiences to the magnificent golden age of the Hindi film industry.