Hyderabad: The makers of Devara have been tight-lipped about any development on the film. With key updates kept under wraps, makers teased fans with the first look of the antagonist Saif Ali Khan from the much-awaited film. With Saif's look revealed on the actor's birthday, fans can't keep calm to watch him spell his magic on screen.
Saif's fiery look in the film has only piqued viewers' interest as two powerful forces Jr NTR and the former will face each other in the epic saga. Sharing Saif's first look from the film on his birthday, film's lead Jr NTR wrote: "BHAIRA Happy Birthday Saif sir ! #Devara." Saif Ali Khan as Bhaira looks rugged donning long curls.
Director Koratala Siva is currently filming action sequences starring Jr. NTR and Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan in Hyderabad for the movie. As per reports, there are some amazing action scenes that are being shot on a specially built set that looks like the sea, complete with boats engaged in combat.