Hyderabad: Jr NTR returned to India after his film RRR won an Oscar for the song Naatu Naatu in the Best Original Song category at the 95th Academy Awards. The actor recently went to the pre-release event of actor Vishwak Sen's movie Das Ka Dhamki and also engaged in fan interaction here. As they eagerly inquired about his upcoming project, the superstar made a comment that left his fans in shock.
During the event, when fans asked him about his upcoming movie, he jokingly said that if they kept asking, he would stop making movies. "I won't be acting in any movies. I'll quit making movies if you ask me too often," he said. He then reassured them that he had no plans to stop making films and will be back on screen soon. Jr NTR will be seen in his next movie Koratala Siva opposite Janhvi Kapoor. The release date is set for April 5, 2024.