Hyderabad: RRR star Jr NTR's upcoming film Devara will be released in two parts. The makers announced on Wednesday. The upcoming film will mark Janhvi Kapoor's foray into Telugu film industry. In a video message, Devara's director Koratala Siva shared exciting news regarding the latest development.
Hailed as a blockbuster in the making, Jr NTR and Janhvi's upcoming film is one of the biggest films set for release next year. While Devara has set the audience's expectations really high, the makers added to the excitement on Wednesday and announced that the first part of Devara will be arriving in theaters in April next year.
Announcing Devara canvas being expanded, the film’s official social media handle tweeted: "#DEVARA will be coming to entertain you in 2 parts. The first part is releasing on April 5, 2024." The announcement is accompanied by a video message featuring Koratala Siva. The filmmaker is explaining in Telugu what inspired team Devara to release the film in two parts.