Mumbai: The trailer of the upcoming series 'Choona', which was unveiled on Tuesday, mixes a thrilling heist drama with a dynamic visual experience further sharpened with comic punches. It begins with introducing Jimmy Shergill's character of a politician who is an ardent believer of astrology and meticulously plans his movements around the astro-events. It then shows Jimmy's character of Shukla all set to topple the incumbent Chief Minister of a state and take over the reigns. Soon the audience gets to see six men teaming up against Shukla for their own interests, some to exact revenge, some for personal gains.
The six men - a shape-shifting informer, a gully ka gunda, a demoted police officer, a once successful contractor, and a resourceful mediator - decide to rip-off Shukla of the Rs 300 crore that are soon to arrive at his party office and this is where the planning of the heist starts. The party office of Shukla is guarded by armed men, over a hundred physically fit workers, and is secured by CCTV cameras at every corner. The sum eventually goes up to Rs 800 crore further raising the stakes and bringing in the risk for all those who are involved.
Sharing his excitement on the launch of the trailer, Jimmy said: "It is extremely exciting to be a part of the show that has been directed by a brilliant director, Pushpendra Nath Misra, has an amazing ensemble cast, and will be streaming on Netflix. The show has a high-spirited narrative and is extremely rich in culture which makes it a perfect watch. As a character, Shukla is quite smart and savvy. He's unpredictable and one can never know how he will react in a situation. It's not so easy to con Shukla, especially on his own turf."