Hyderabad: The release of Shah Rukh Khan's upcoming movie Jawan is eagerly anticipated by his fans. His appearance and collaboration of SRK and Atlee on the film have already garnered a lot of attention. Amid all the buzz, Shah Rukh and the film's entire crew organised a pre-release event in Chennai.
The event took place in Sri Sairam Engineering College on Wednesday. The excitement among his supporters is beyond measure with the release date fast approaching and now in the audio launch event, it just went out of the roof. SRK's fans' fanaticism was quite evident throughout the event.
Talking at the event, Bollywood Badshah confessed that he has fallen in love with the Tamil Nadu film industry. He first and foremost thanked the Tamil Industry for all the love and support over the years. Going down memory lane, he recalled knowing only few people from the Tamil Industry, and one of them was his Dil Se director Mani Ratnam, while naother one is Santosh Sivan. He also went on to say how much he admires Kamal Haasan.