Chennai: Filmmaker Atlee and his wife Priya Mohan on Tuesday announced the birth of their first child. Mohan, also a film producer, shared the news on her social media accounts. Soon after the couple shared the news, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Keerthy Suresh, Kajal Aggarwal among others congratulated new parents.
"They were right. There's no feeling in the world like this. And just like tat our baby boy is here! A new exciting adventure of parenthood starts today! Grateful. Happy. Blessed," she wrote alongside photos with her filmmaker-husband. Atlee and Mohan got married in 2014 and the two had announced her pregnancy in December 2022 on social media.
Reacting to the good news, Samantha wrote, "Congratulations my loves ♥️," while Keerthy said, "Big congrats to the new Mum and Dad in town! 😻🤗 God bless the little one 🥰 can’t wait to meet you all together. Lots of love." Kajal, who also welcomed baby boy last April, wrote, "Bigggg congratulations!!! Lots of love to the little bundle of joy and to mommy and daddy too ❤️❤️❤️ can’t wait to meet all three of you and Neil can’t wait to meet his buddy 😍🤗🤗."