Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's highly anticipated film Jawan has been doing exceptionally well at the box office in India, surpassing the Rs 300 crore mark in just five days of its release. However, as compared to the other days, the action thriller is likely to witness a dip in its collection by 10% on the sixth day, as per early estimates reported by industry tracker Sacnilk.
According to Sacnilk, Jawan collected an astonishing Rs 75 crore nett across the nation on its opening day. On day 2, it brought in Rs 53.23 crore nett at the box office. The number exceeded on day 3 and day 4, gathering Rs 77.83 crore nett and Rs 80.1 nett respectively. However, the number slightly declined on the fifth day with just Rs 30.5 crore nett in its collection. Early estimates suggest that the movie may rake in Rs 27.56 crore nett on its sixth day, bringing its total to a jaw-dropping Rs 344.22 crore nett.