Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's eagerly awaited film Jawan is on track to achieve yet another milestone. The movie, which opened in theatres on September 7, is likely to cross the Rs 350 crore club in India on the seventh day of its release. The Atlee-directed action film surpassed the Rs 600 crore mark globally in less than a week. The movie continues to break nearly all previous records for a Hindi-language movie.
As per a report by industry tracker Sacnilk, The King Khan-starrer brought in an astounding Rs 75 crore nett in India across all languages on its release day. The movie went on to collect Rs 53.23 and Rs 77.83 crore nett at the box office on its second and third day respectively. On day 4, Jawan raked in a jaw-dropping Rs 80.1 crore net at the box office. The numbers slightly dipped on the fifth and sixth days collecting Rs 30.5 and Rs 27.22 crore nett respectively.