Hyderabad: While the anticipation builds for the release of Shah Rukh Khan's upcoming film Jawan, the movie is already making waves in the United States. Slated to hit theaters on September 7, the film has garnered an impressive Rs 1.2 crore through advance bookings in the US alone, reports suggest. While Sunny Deol's Gadar 2 is preparing to challenge box office records set by Pathaan, SRK's Jawan seems to be generating substantial buzz even before its official debut.
Reportedly, Jawan has successfully sold nearly 9700 tickets across 367 locations in America for its opening day in September. Among these, approximately 9200 tickets were booked for the Hindi showings, while 360 were for Telugu screenings. Additionally, around 200 tickets were secured for the Tamil version of the film, highlighting its multi-lingual appeal.
Trade analyst Manobala Vijayabalan shared the impressive figures on the social media platform X, stating that Jawan has achieved advance bookings of Rs 1.2 crore in the US. He hailed Shah Rukh Khan's feat, noting that the actor is set to create history by becoming the first to achieve two opening days with over Rs 100 crore collections, following his previous release Pathaan.