Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor welcomed a few of his close friends and family members at his home while his girlfriend Malaika Arora is holidaying in Baku. Arjun's sister, actor Janhvi Kapoor along with her rumoured boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya, actor Varun Dhawan and his wife Natasha Dalal were among the ones who visited his home.
In a video posted by a paparazzi account on Instagram, Janhvi, and Shikhar, who appeared to shun the photographers, were seen leaving in the same car. The rumoured lovebirds were seen twinning in white as they visited Arjun. On the other hand, Varun Dhawan was seen wearing a blue printed shirt and was accompanied by his wife and fashion designer Natasha Dalal. She was dressed in black trousers and a white crop top.
Meanwhile, on Sunday, Arjun posted a few monochrome photos of himself posing on his balcony. Sharing the photos, he wrote in the caption, "Just gotta be Grateful sometimes," and added the hashtag "Sunday musings". In the meantime, Arjun's girlfriend Malaika Arora is vacationing in Baku with her friends. She has been posting several exquisite images of herself taken in Azerbaijan.
On the work front, Janhvi is currently busy with the promotions of her upcoming movie Bawaal. Helmed by Nitesh Tiwari, the movie also features Varun in the lead role. Bawaal is scheduled to release digitally on July 21. The trailer of Janhvi and Varun's romantic drama left the audience wondering about the plot with World War 2 references weaved in.
Also read:Watch: Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Dhawan will make you ROFL with this Bawaal promotional video