Hyderabad: Janhvi Kapoor, the daughter of the late Sridevi and producer Boney Kapoor opened up about her early experiences with fame and the challenges she faced growing up in the public eye. Her journey in the spotlight began at a very young age, and it was not always a pleasant experience for her, the actor recalled.
In a recent interview, Janhvi recalled that the paparazzi started photographing her when she was just 10 years old, largely because of her famous parents. These early photos of her were often splashed across popular websites like Yahoo, which was a significant platform at the time. Looking back at those images, Janhvi felt uncomfortable and not groomed, which led to her feeling alienated from her peers.
Contrary to what some might assume, these early exposures to fame did not make her more popular among her classmates. In fact, Janhvi shared that her peers didn't understand the situation and, as a result, started to dislike her. This disconnect was distressing for her, as she struggled to comprehend why her friends were treating her differently.