Hyderabad: Screen icon Rajinikanth's latest outing in Jailer turned out to be a superhit as the film continues to have an impressive run at the box office. With a worldwide collection of over Rs 600 crore, Jailer emerged as the 2nd-highest-grossing Tamil film ever. The film which arrived in theaters on August 10, has so far amassed over Rs 300 crore nett in India while the cash registers continue to ring at the box office.
According to early estimates by industry tracker Sacnilk, Jailer witnessed a growth of 10% at the domestic box office. On day 20, the film is likely to rake in Rs 3.41 crore nett in India. Interestingly, Jailer crossed the Rs 100 crore mark within three days of its release and by the end of the first weekend, the total stood at an impressive Rs 235.85 crore. At the end of 20-day theatrical run, Jailer's nett collections boast of a whopping Rs 322.86 crore.