Hyderabad: The Rajinikanth starrer film Jailer kicked off its theatrical run with a splendid opening on Thursday, captivating the superstar's fans who enthusiastically celebrated the movie's release. The comedy-action drama hit 7000 screens worldwide on July 10 and has registered the highest-grosser opening for a Tamil film in 2023.
Jailer has achieved several noteworthy milestones on its opening day. It marked the biggest opening of 2023 in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Moreover, the film achieved the highest opening for any Tamil movie in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana. Notably, Jailer also secured the record for the highest opening day gross collection for a Tamil film in India this year.
According to a report on Sacnilk, Jailer raked in an impressive Rs 44.50 crore nett in India across all languages, with its total gross collection surpassing Rs 50 crore. Initial estimates suggest that the film garnered Rs 52 crore in gross collections on its first day. This figure includes Rs 23 crore from Tamil Nadu, Rs 11 crore from Karnataka, Rs 5 crore from Kerala, Rs 10 crore from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, and Rs 3 crore from other states.