Hyderabad:The box office performance of Rajinikanth's Jailer has so far been astounding. According to the production company Sun Pictures, Jailer earned more than Rs 375 crore in seven days and is still going strong. The picture is grossing in the double digits, showing a fantastic sign for its theatrical run.
Nelson Dilipkumar's film Jailer was released in theatres on August 10. The picture was released in different languages in India. Apart from the Indian market, Jailer is also doing well in the UAE, US, UK, Singapore, Malaysia, and other parts of the world.
Jailer managed to break many theatrical records for a Telugu film after making over Rs 375 crore worldwide. However, according to industry tracker Sacnilk, the film grossed approximately Rs 10 crore net on its eighth day at the box office in India, the lowest since its release. The film's eight-day total collection in India now stands at Rs 235.65 crore, with a 32.70 percent occupancy rate.