New Delhi: Bollywood's heartthrob Varun Dhawan is celebrating his 35th birthday on the sets of his upcoming film Bawaal, today. Taking to his Instagram handle, Varun shared a picture of himself from his vanity van which was decorated with blue and golden balloons.
Looking suave in a white linen textured shirt paired with a pair of beige pants, the Student Of The Year actor shared how he spent his last two birthdays at home and is excited to be on a film set for his 35th birthday. "It ain't my sweet 16, but super happy to spend this bday working. The last 2 birthday were spent at home but feels great to be out here on set getting up at 530 in the morning and reporting to a @niteshtiwari22 set #bawaal. 2022 is special for me with #jugjuggjeyo and #bhediya set for release," he captioned the post.