Mumbai: Babil Khan on Saturday shared a poetic note to mark his father Irrfan Khan's 56th birth anniversary and remembered the late actor's endearing laugh. Irrfan, known for his work in critically-acclaimed films such as Maqbool (2003), The Namesake (2006), Life in a ...Metro (2007) and The Lunchbox (2013), died from a rare form of cancer in April 2020.
Son of the late star and producer Sutapa Sikdar, Babil posted the note on his Instagram page alongside his childhood photographs with his father. In the first image, Irrfan is seen taking picture of little Babil and his wife Sutapa Sikdar. In the second picture, the veteran actor is seen sleeping with his son on the floor of his house. And the next photos showcased the bond of the father-son duo and were beautifully captured in the lens.
"Questions keep me up at night. Those that I never asked then, those that I can never ask now. My inquiries are left for me to quench on my own, that's okay, I will figure it out. I miss your laughter though, I don't think there is an answer for that. Remembering a day when you arrived here," he wrote.