Hyderabad: Ira Khan, the daughter of Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta, tied the knot with her fitness trainer boyfriend Nupur Shikhare on December 3. The wedding was anything but ordinary, as Nupur jogged all the way from Santacruz to Bandra in Mumbai to reach the venue on time. On Thursday, the day after their wedding, Ira took to her Instagram Story to share a selfie with her newly-wedded husband. The picture had an interesting twist to it as Ira wore a headband that read 'bride to be', although only 'bride' was visible in the photo, as she had slashed the words 'to be'.
On their big day, Ira looked stunning in a deep blue blouse paired with pastel pink harem pants and a matching dupatta. Nupur, on the other hand, chose to go against the grain by opting for a black vest teamed up with white shorts, and green sneakers. He continued to wear the same outfit when signing the wedding registration documents, only changing into a blue sherwani later. Their wedding was celebrated in an intimate ceremony attended by their respective families and close friends, including Aamir Khan, Kiran Rao, Reena Dutta, Mukesh Ambani, and Nita Ambani, among others. During the event, there was a heartwarming moment where Aamir Khan was spotted kissing his ex-wife Kiran Rao.