Hyderabad: Superstar Shah Rukh Khan threw a lavish party in Mumbai to celebrate his birthday on November 2. The birthday bash witnessed the stars of the Bollywood industry and SRK's close associates coming together to honour the iconic actor. Photos from the grand event have surfaced, revealing an impressive guest list that included renowned personalities like Alia Bhatt, Ranveer Singh, and Deepika Padukone, among others.
Thursday, November 2 marked Shah Rukh Khan's 58th birthday, and the festivities carried on into the night with a star-studded celebration in Mumbai. Several guests shared glimpses from the event, capturing moments with popular Bollywood stars and other well-known figures.
A picture from the party showcased Alia Bhatt, dressed in black, posing for a selfie with a fellow guest. She was joined by her sister Shaheen Bhatt, who opted for a purple ensemble. Another picture featured Ranveer Singh, sported in a black suit, accompanied by his wife Deepika Padukone, who chose a shimmery mini dress for the special occasion.
Director Atlee, who helmed King Khan's Jawan, was also in attendance, adding to the illustrious roster of guests. Dunki director Rajkumar Hirani and his wife were present as well. Former Indian cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni further enhanced the grandeur of the occasion. Shahid Kapoor's wife, Mira Rajput, graced the celebration and was captured posing for a photo at the bash.